The Mystery of History Volume IV—Student Reader and digital Companion Guide

Original price was: $99.95.Current price is: $79.95.

The Mystery of History Volume IV (retailing at $99.95) covers world history from Johann Sebastian Bach (1708) to the global war on terror (2001–2014). Where most modern history books focus heavily on the World Wars, The Mystery of History Volume IV weaves American history into the pages of world history for proper context—on one thought-provoking timeline. (Access to a digital Companion Guide,  a 500+ page PDF resource—full of curriculum for all ages—is found on the inside cover of the book!)


FREE—Quarter 1 of our Audiobook!

This colorful hardback comes with a digital Companion Guide (through a download code inside the cover) giving you over 500 pages of modern history curriculum with:

  • Pretests
  • Activities for Younger, Middle, and Older Students
  • Review work—Memory Card ideas, timeline prompts, mapping exercises, and quizzes
  • Literature lists and much more.


For a limited time, the author’s discounted website price includes one FREE quarter of our Audiobook MP3 (a $13 value!) This is a word for word narration of Quarter 1 of the Student Reader—in the voice of the author! If you enjoy this trial gift, you can find Quarters 2, 3, and 4 available for purchase on our website. The tracks come “with music” or “without music.” Be sure to check that variable when adding this product to your cart. (Not sure? Check out our samples!)

Need an ebook of Volume IV? We don’t have one yet. But if you need digital access to Volume IV, we suggest you purchase the Audiobook Mp3s and a digital Companion Guide. The two will give you a year’s worth of modern history—without shipping costs!

  • The author tells the truth about the gruesome side of modern history, but without graphic images (ie. There are no images of Holocaust corpses or emaciated bodies) or particular words (Ie. The author uses the word “assault” rather than “rape” to describe war crimes except for using “The Rape of Nanking” as the title of a tragic historical event.)

  • We don’t recommend Volume IV for Younger Students just starting our series. The reading level and themes are too difficult. However, if younger ones are tagging along Middle and Older Student siblings, the author offers age-appropriate activities to help little ones deflect. A good example of this would the the study of the Holocaust. Difficult for any age, the author steers Younger Students towards the positive themes of the value of life and heroism through hands-on activities in the Companion Guide.

  • This is a world history book, with a lot of American history in it, but not enough to count it for American history. However, an experienced teacher can use Volume IV in two years and add more American history to it to offer students one year of modern history and one year of American history.


Download Lesson Samples (from our Student Reader)

Lesson samples from Week 7 (The Fall of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo; Simon Bolivar: Liberator of South America; The Greek War of Independence)

Vol IV, Week 7 (Student Reader)

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Download Curriculum Samples (from our Companion Guide)

Curriculum samples from Week 7 (Pretest; activities; review)

Vol IV, Week 7 (Companion Guide)

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Audio Samples