“The Rise and Fall of Rome” Workshop


Most of us have heard of the rise and fall of Rome. But we’re only vaguely familiar with who, what, when, and how this occurred—as well as why it matters! Join Linda Lacour Hobar for insight into the story of the western Roman empire….and how it applies to our world today.

  • Comes as an MP4 (video with slides)

As the old aphorism goes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it!” (Students are encouraged to attend.)

Approximately 55 minutes

  • Our MP4 workshops are recorded in a home studio setting and professionally edited to enhance your viewing experience.
  • Because the history of Rome includes Christian martyrdom, this workshop may not be suitable for younger and/or sensitive students

  • Yes. We don’t have restrictions on how many can view this workshop at a time, but keep in mind the bigger the screen, the lesser the quality of the slides.