Legends of King Arthur and His Court, revised by Shelley Noonan


Discover the world of kings, knights, and adventure! “These stories of King Arthur are retold in the faith that chivalry in its highest sense is not dead among us; and that as long as Christian manhood survives, so will chivalric instinct be an important factor in it.” (Francis Nimmo Greene). Throughout the pages of this book, readers will follow Arthur from his birth to the fall of his beloved Camelot. Whether man or myth, Arthur epitomizes good fighting against evil, light battling against darkness, and a hero who wants to make right that which is wrong! (92 pages). This purchase comes with a free digital Bible study, “Legacy of King Arthur and His Court” by Shelley Noonan—who explores ten godly character traits that the knights sought and struggled to uphold. Each chapter offers meaty discussion questions, Biblical truths with application, and memory verses.


This revised edition of Legends of King Arthur and His Court by Shelley Noonan (a retired homeschool mom and author of numerous Bible studies) is based on the work of Frances Nimmo Greene (1867-1937), an American educator who derived her stories on the poetry of Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892).

Clearly, there’s a timeless quality to Arthurian legend! (While this book is recommended for readers aged 9-14, younger students may enjoy it as a read-aloud.)