History Through The Ages—Printable Suggested Placement Guide (PDF)


If you’re building a timeline notebook using History Through the Ages timeline figures (digital or cardstock), this printable “Suggested Placement Guide” is for you! It will aid students with the proper spacing and alignment of figures—allowing room to add figures or notes, as desired. (See licensing options below.)


With over a thousand pre-made timeline figures available through History Through the Ages, some students may feel overwhelmed with where they’ll place them in a timeline notebook. This Suggested Placement Guide will alleviate that angst and provide students with an overview of who fits where in time*. This is an excellent tool for the long-range planner, the visual learner, or the artistic perfectionist who is interested in creating a historically accurate keepsake.


*Please know that the dates of History Through the Ages figures and The Mystery of History figures are not an exact match due to different choices of source material or the use of life spans versus life events. We recommend that students follow the dates found in The Mystery of History to build a timeline compatible with our series.


Not sure which LICENSE to purchase? Here’s some information from Homeschool in the Woods:



Permission to reproduce our materials is granted only to the individual immediate family that has purchased the family license. Reproduction for commercial use, an entire class, a school, or school system is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means — graphic, electronic or mechanical, including duplicating, photocopying, information or retrieval systems, the World Wide Web, or e-mail — without written permission from the author. Not for redistribution. For permission to reproduce this material or use for any other purpose, please contact Home School in the Woods. ($18.95) info@homeschoolinthewoods.com


TEACHER LICENSE (purchased by an individual teacher or parent)

Permission to reproduce our materials is granted only to the individual teacher (teaching in a school) or parent (teaching in a co-op or church) who has personally purchased the teacher license. Materials can not be shared with other teachers, parents, or institutions. Students must be taught by the teacher/parent who has purchased the project. The teacher/parent will own the material and can continue to use it in future classes, providing he/she is the sole teacher using it. Reproduction for commercial use is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Not for redistribution. For permission to reproduce this material or use for any purpose other than that stated, please contact Home School in the Woods. ($37.90) info@homeschoolinthewoods.com


SCHOOL LICENSE (purchased by a private school, church, or co-op)

Permission to reproduce our materials is granted only to the teachers/instructors within the institution that has purchased the school license. The materials can not be used outside of the institution or for the teachers’/instructors’ personal use. Reproduction for commercial use is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Not for redistribution. For permission to reproduce this material or use for any purpose other than that stated, please contact Home School in the Woods. ($56.85) info@homeschoolinthewoods.com


  • Yes. Parents and teachers frequently find themselves more excited about timelines than their students are. That’s because we are the ones who were probably taught history all chopped up! The timeline reveals things never before understood. We do recommend this resource for parent/teachers excited about “seeing” history chronologically for the first time.

  • No. We’re sorry but “Homeschool in the Woods” transitioned to digital products. We’re slowly doing the same as our inventory is depleted. (We’re all out of paper Placement Guides!)

  • No. Since all your students will benefit from the timeline you’re building for a classroom, you qualify for the Teacher License. If multiple teachers are using the Placement Guide in the same institution (large or small), the School License is the proper choice.


“Suggested Placement Guide” Sample

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