Volume IV

Modern History Self-Paced Course

Volume 4 Self Paced Class

About Self Paced Classes


$235/school year plus a non-refundable $25 family registration fee
Sibling Rate: $170 per student


Enrollment is open year-round.

Materials Needed:

Upon enrollment, students will receive a discount coupon code for suggested materials from the author’s website. (Student Reader with digital Companion Guide, and two paper atlases.)

The Mystery of History Volume IV covers world history from Johann Sebastian Bach (1708) to the global war on terror (2001–2014). Where most modern history books focus heavily on the World Wars, our fourth volume weaves American history into the pages of world history for proper context—on one thought-provoking timeline. Imagine the patriots of American history and their world-famous contemporaries—side by side in your studies!

Our Self-paced Course covering The Mystery of History Volume IV is ideal for highly independent students needing direction and structure with little to no parent/teacher involvement. Along with access to pre-recorded lectures by the author, the student receives access to an online instructional learning platform with the following features:

Daily lesson plans with historical images
(providing about 5 hours of independent study per week)
Structure to meet a high school credit
Selected enrichment activities and literature
Mapping excercises
Automatically graded weekly quizzes and semester tests
Grading help with our exclusive “Weekly Work Points” system
Printable weekly grade record
Tech support for students and parents
Affordable sibling rates (reduced to $97)
Discount Coupon Code for required materials
No age requirement (though best suited for 13 and up)

About Self-Paced Courses


Student Rate: $247 for 18 months
Sibling Rate: $97 per student after 1st enrollment


Enrollment is open!

Materials Needed:

Students need:
  • The Mystery of History Volume IV (Student Reader with digital Companion Guide)
  • Rand McNally’s Historical Atlas of the World
  • Rand McNally’s World Atlas—Know Geography.
    All materials are available in our shop.
  • Register

    Additional Students

    If you are adding siblings as students, please fill out the following fields for each one. (For proper accounting, our system requires that each student have his or her own email. If desired, one student can share the account/email of the parent.)

    Select Class Cost

    Product Item Price Quantity
    First Student Online Course Fee (suggested age 13 and up) $247
    Participating Siblings (with access to quizzes) $97
    Sub Total

    Refund policy:

    If (after 45 days of enrollment) time, technology, or unforeseen circumstances prohibit a student from attending the Self-paced Online Course, a full refund will be issued.