Episode 8—Homeschool Around the World – Steven Policastro

Is home education growing around the world? Yes, at a staggering rate! But this surge is not without trials and…

Linda Hobar
Linda Hobar
February 16, 2022

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Is home education growing around the world? Yes, at a staggering rate! But this surge is not without trials and tribulations. Join me and my guest, Steven Policastro (International Association for Creation), for an update on parental rights and homeschooling in countries like Albania, Columbia, France, Mongolia, Panama, and more. Be informed—home education is a global phenomenon!

Is home education growing around the world? Yes, at a staggering rate! But this surge is not without trials and tribulations. Join me and my guest, Steven Policastro (International Association for Creation), for an update on parental rights and homeschooling in countries like Albania, Columbia, France, Mongolia, Panama, and more. Be informed—home education is a global phenomenon!

In today’s exciting new episode, Steven will share…

1. How he gained his passion for home education
2. How it drove him towards the ministry.
3. Updates on people all around the world fighting for their rights to homeschool.
4. Encouragement for listening homeschool parents!

Don’t miss out on this brand new episode!

Is home education growing around the world? Yes, at a staggering rate! But this surge is not without trials and tribulations. Join me and my guest, Steven Policastro (International Association for Creation), for an update on parental rights and homeschooling in countries like Albania, Columbia, France, Mongolia, Panama, and more. Be informed—home education is a global phenomenon!




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