From time to time I post an audiobook excerpt from our series and convert it to a podcast, because I’m passionate about world history—and don’t want you to miss some of the best stories we have. Well, when it comes to best stories, and most important stories, of course nothing is better or more important that what Christ did on the cross for you and for me! And nothing is more significant in the eternal realm than the empty tomb that followed! So, for today’s podcast, we’re going to play Lesson 107 from The Mystery of History Volume I, which is titled, “Jesus: His Death and Resurrection.” With added music, this is a good one for the entire family. I pray you know this lesson well and embrace the meaning of our Lord raising from the dead—on our behalf.
Episode 51—Jesus: His Death and Resurrection
From time to time I post an audiobook excerpt from our series and convert it to a podcast, because I’m…