About Course
Volume III streaming Video Lectures offer students 84 pre-recorded lectures by Linda Lacour Hobar for every lesson of The Mystery of History Volume III: “The Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations.” Each lecture is approximately 10-20 minutes long; contains slides to bring history to life; and is filled with factual and inspirational material that goes beyond the Student Reader. (The lectures were not designed to replace the Student Reader, but to enhance it.)
- If you’re looking for a learning platform with daily/weekly structure for an independent student (or one seeking to fulfill a high school credit), consider our Volume III Self-paced Course!
- Affordable, flexible access to award-winning history material
- Suitable for multiple ages (though best suited for 13 and up)
- Viewable through a streaming service to avoid download storage issues
- 18 month access (to provide families with stop and start flexibility)
Materials Needed:
- The Mystery of History Volume III (Student Reader and Companion Guide)
- Students wanting to complete the mapping exercises found in the Companion Guide will need:
-Rand McNally’s “Historical Atlas of the World”
-Rand McNally’s “World Atlas—Know Geography”
- Because these lectures are streaming from our website, we recommend a good internet connection for uninterrupted viewing.
Course Content
Week 1 | Semester I | Quarter 1
Lesson 1. The Wars of the Roses (1455–1485)
29:01 -
Lesson 2. Cosimo de’ Medici and the Rise of the Italian Renaissance (1464)
10:50 -
Lesson 3. Ferdinand, Isabella, and the Spanish Inquisition (1469)